BI Insurance Sales module is powerful tool to get in specific sales channels issues and find measured solutions for management actions.
Module ensures classic sales statistics (written premiums, policies sold, written commissions, discounts applied, renewal ratio, retention ratio, cross-sales indicators, average premium & commission) split by sales channels, brokers, sales units, salesmen, locations, policy duration, customers or specific customer / object insured attributes (e.g. age, vehicle type).
Module provides an efficient support to the management of standard insurance company sales processes. Using Sales module sales manager will control:
- new customers acquisition – monitoring impact of projects, marketing campaigns, tariff changes on acquisition of new customers;
- renewal – renewal ratio analysis per distribution channels, customer segments as well as standard reports with policies where renewals should be offered soon;
- cross-sales processes – monitoring quantity of other products sold to current customers;
- cancelled policies volume – monitoring quantity of cancelled polices (premiums) by cancellation reason.
- separate broker or intermediary - accessing sales volume, commissions, profitability, policy renewal and retention ratios.
Depending on availability of structured sales plans BI Insurance Sales module provides sales plan execution control environment as well.
We have decided to limit BI Insurance by core functions listed above. In our opinion, higher benefit for insurance company is access to sales process oriented statistics like:
- average duration and costs of each sales process step (e.g. cold call, offering of quotation, receiving feedback, registering policy);
- average duration of salesman working with information systems or working on proposals;
- investments and time costs for automated sales process steps.
In case if our customer has standardized sales processes established and detailed data is available we offer design and implementation of ad-ons features on sales process statistics.